Embassy Boardshop has completely redesigned their website. Eric Barkow and Jake Westrick did a super good job. There is a ton of stuff to check out, new products, team page, video section, etc. most definitely worth a look:
embassyboardshop.comEMBASSY VIDEO
Ok, so exactly two years ago, the shop made a video; had a premiere at Carabar and it was never shown again. The video wasn't edited at all until a couple days before the premiere. They managed to throw it together, enough to show at least...In the haste of getting it done one whole section was accidentally cut out (myself, Adam Lowe, Ricky Critchfield & Brenten Turner) and nobody saw it. After that showing the plan was to film more and re-edit it. That never happened and it was decided that it just wouldn't be released. People have been bugging Barkow a lot about seeing the video so with the relaunch of the website, the video is now been added to the site. It's about 20 minutes long and features Gabe Peterson, OJ Hays, Max Palmer, Ben Perkins and has smaller parts by Franz, CJ, Taylor, the whole IGLU crew and other friends.. Mike Newton (me) Ricky, Adam, Brenton, Jeff Trasin, Joe and Dan Charlton, Darius, Yon, Gary,Jerome, Sammy, Shane, Ginger, Steve, Stu, Kaleb, Max G. and a bunch more kids... go to this link to see it: